

Getting rid of Helsinki-Malmi airport by force

Helsinki - capital of Finland - has tried for years to have the old historic Malmi airport torn down. They want to build new small houses on the area. As if the airport were the only empty space around Helsinki area. There are large woods even within Helsinki. Not to speak around it.

Malmi is a rare pearl among small plane airports in the whole world. It is situated within the Helsinki boundaries, and it is marvelously near for all small plane enthusiast. It also provides a very exceptional experience for children: where else can they come so close to real airplanes. And for totally free!

But Helsinki stubbornly wants to build there small houses. Even though most Helsinki citizens would much rather have the old cozy little airport.

As could be expected, Helsinki has now come up with a cunning plan: they now claim that the Malmi airport must be renovated: a totally new longer runway must be built. Everybody understands that such a runway cannot be built, and should not be built (see satellite photo). And because the new runway can not be built, Malmi airport must then be taken down, so reason the Helsinki officials.

Who are they fooling! Malmi airport is fantastic just as it is now. It is excellent for small planes, flight schools, flight clubs, flight trips and rescue helicopters. And don't forget the nowadays so rare free excitement.

If Helsinki really should need another airport for commercial and regular line flights in addition to the current Helsinki-Vantaa airport, they should build a totally new airport. Not instead of Malmi, but in addition to Malmi. Malmi is needed for small planes, historical values and free entertainment.

Malmi airport is historically valuable, and extremely pleasant and cute, that nobody hates. Nobody except for the Helsinki officials.

Do you want to help keep the old little airfield alive? Read more, and sign the petition!

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