

But What About USA?

My recent posts have been mainly about Finnish traffic, police inefficiency, and Russia. Yet when originally starting this blog, I thought that USA would probably be one of my main interests. After all, my topic is the incomprehensibly unreal reality that our leaders force us to live in.

The presidential seal was changed by President Truman in 1945:
The eagle's head was turned toward the olive branch (symbol of peace instead of the symbol of war)

So, never fear; have some patience: we will eventually proceed to the sad story how president Bush with his league lured the American people to think that a war was necessary, and that French fries just had to be boycotted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thinking about president Truman's change to the presidential seal:
Turning the eagle's head towards the peaceful olive branch was a positive message, of course.

But he did not notice that he also turned the head towards the past (or did he?). That is if we agree to picture reading theories.

Maybe he would have been wiser to switch the arrows and the olive branch with each other. Then the eagle would be facing both peace and the future.