Lately even here in Finland we have had trials where the lawyers have charged astonishing fees.
It appears that you need to hire top lawyers to get effective service in the court. And top lawyers - as being top - are expensive. In the current market based economy one sells one's talent with the highest price available.
But let's see what is the outcome of employing market practices to justice: if it really does pay off to hire top lawyers, hiring cheaper lawyers must then mean getting worse results. So it is not the law then that solves the case? It's not justice that is sought after, but simply victory?
If you are not rich, you cannot hire top lawyers. So your cheap lawyer will loose your case, because he is not so good. You will not be tried by the law and justice, but by money. It will be the richer party who shall always win the case. Even in the Finnish courts you can buy your victory with money?
BTW: Do you see any resemblance to the US presidential campaigns?
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